Dishwasher Blues
We bought a new dishwasher when we moved into this house almost 3 years ago. About a week ago I noticed I was having a hard time getting the dishwasher door to open. Now, I can't get it to open at all. I have at least two loads worth overflowing from my sink to the counter. I hate to wash dishes by hand! Inside, I am stomping my feet and screaming NO! NO! I don't really know why I hate it. I'm not lazy. And any time I hand wash dishes, I'm always so surprised how quick the job was. But I hate it. I got to thinking - I always had a dishwasher growing up. Money was always tight and a stressful subject, but we always had a dishwasher. So it's just how I'm wired, right? It's a convenience, not a necessity, I know. But I'm still putting off the job. I decided to come write about it, than just get in my kitchen and get the job done...... Great! Now I can't think of anything else to write..... guess I'll stomp my way to my sink full of dishes and try to conquer the mountain.