Proud Parents

I am a happy wife with a loving husband. I have three adorable, sweet, and energetic children. Our intention with each day is to serve the Lord. Our blessings are numerous.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I am attempting to blog from my iPhone. Just wanted to leave a quick note about my blogging absence. We do not have computer set up yet at our new place. So that will keep me from posting for a bit. We are doing good. The kids and I are in Albuquerque enjoying my family. But sad that Trey and our new puppy are not with us. I did mention Trey first, notice. But I wanted to write a quick post for those who have been asking for house pictures. I'll get them up as soon as technology let's me.


  • At 1:47 PM, Blogger Valisa said…

    Oh Julie, the pictures are amazing. I can only hope to have a dream home like that someday (since we're doing private school, the dreamhome will have to wait a while). I don't know when, but sometime we will have to come visit so we can see your beautiful home!!! I know you're outside of Abilene, but which direction and how far out? Wondering if we could still catch you sometime on the way to Lubbock or not.


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