Proud Parents

I am a happy wife with a loving husband. I have three adorable, sweet, and energetic children. Our intention with each day is to serve the Lord. Our blessings are numerous.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

One, Two, Three

We took some pictures today to celebrate the kids being one, two , and three years old. Evan will turn 4 July, 1st. Over 200 pictures were taken - most with at least one kid looking in another direction, putting their finger in their mouth, or crawling away. The photograper had a tough job - but he got some great smiles.

Friday, May 18, 2007

30th Birthday!!

Turning 30 has been wonderful. I feel very accomplished and satisfied with my life. So turning 30 feels very appropriate. I used it as a motivator to get in shape and make some positive changes in my life. Tonight, I invited some of my favorite people to eat at Tamales restaurant with me and Trey. Pictured are Dorothy, Melissa, myself, and April. (their husbands are there as well.) Dorothy and her husband invited us to eat at this restaurant the first time we met them in Bible class almost two years ago. It really made me feel at home in a foreign place. We had a great time tonight - I hope it motivates us all to make date nights a regular thing.
Trey surprised me this morning with a wonderful birthday gift - Money! I have shopped all day - it has been so fun. First, Trey and Dean shopped with me - then I sent them home for naps while I shopped till I dropped.
After dinner we went to see Shrek the Third - so great! So funny! Go see it. Lindi and her family got to join us at the show. While we are taking this picture, a poor kid was throwing up right beside us. We didn't know what to do - do you do something? - I mean if he needs to throw up, he needs to throw up. So we smiled and took the picture .....and were relieved when his mom showed up, whew!

Birthday Eve

My wonderful mother-in-law (Mimi) came by the house Thursday - the day before my 30th. She first presented a beautiful dress. She wanted me to try it on to see if it fit. It does - and it is so pretty. She was looking at a Dillards advertisement, and thought the dress looked like something I would like. She was right on target - it made me feel very special. But that wasn't all....she brought a beautiful cake from McKay's bakery. In my family, birthday's and all of it's traditions are very important. We have to let each child have a turn at blowing out candles - no matter whose birthday it is. Balloons are a must as well. Mimi bought a mother's day balloon on clearance, knowing that the kids would expect it - good thing the kids can't read yet. Oh, and she took Evan and Andie home with her to stay for two nights! Happy Birthday to me! Thanks for a great day Pam. You have made me feel very special and very loved.

Tea Party

Andie got to attend McKinley's 3rd birthday today. It was a tea party, and Andie was to wear her favorite dress up clothes. Andie got to pick out her entire oufit. She was especially proud of the purse. April Patteson did an amazing job - the table was set beautifully, the room decorated adorably. All the girls sat around the table like sweet young ladies. Happy Birthday McKinley.
Andie and her friend, Abby, before the party. Aren't they sweet? My friend and Abby's mommy took Andie to the party. What a big day!