We had the best time this weekend at our friend's Jon & Schel's house. They had a Pumpkin carving party. Anyone over age 13 could enter their pumpkin to try to win first place. Apparently the child's age is not voted for, as the tears of the "loosers" is too much for the adults to handle. The kids dressed in their halloween costumes and had tons of fun creating their jack-o-lanterns, eating candy, and playing.

Here is big boy of the house, Christian, and Evan showing off their jack-o-lanterns.

Andie and her Belle jack-o-lantern.

The winner. Pretty cool, huh?

How cool is Zorro? This is Schel's creation and since she was the hostess, she named herself ineligible to be voted on.

Andie really wanted to take our picture - not bad.
Jon has season tickets to the Dallas Cowboys. So he and Trey went to the game Sunday afternoon. Schel and I hung out at their house with the kiddos. It was a much needed vacation. Thanks Jon & Schel!