Hurray! The time finally came for Andie's pink Care Bear birthday party! My parents and my sister and her crew came to town. We met with the rest of our family and Andie's friends at the gymnastics sports center. There was plenty of running space and trampolines and foam pits for all to enjoy. Andie told me she wanted this pink care bear cake about 3 months ago. Her name is Love-a-lot Bear. After I had finished making the cake, I must have pulled it out of the fridge about five times to let Andie ooh and ahh over it - it doesn't take much to please her.

Happy Birthday to you sweet girl!

This is the kids favorite thing to do when they come to gymnastics. They get on a trampoline, wear this suspension belt, and do back flips or just swing high in the air - great fun!!

Andie had a great party. Thanks to everyone, the girl has tons of care bear stuff - she is in heaven! Pictured are many of the Care Bears she received. She also received a tea party set. So, many times we have lined up all the care bears when Andie decides it's tea party time. Notice in front of Evan is Mater. Mater drinks Dr.Pepper at tea parties.